Sunday, May 20, 2007

u/s showed......

our wonderful birthmother is carrying a BOY!! lincoln and bill are excited that the scales are tipping in their favor, but liffey and i will still run things around here. :)

i spoke with our BM on the phone friday night. she is very kind and considerate. she has a funny sense of humor, not unlike someone else i know. :)

we tried to get the lawyer situation figured out since bill and i didn't really know what we were talking about, but i think we got that settled. we were approved for our home equity loan and are waiting for the checks to come in.

we went to babies r us yesterday. the infertility (IF) vet in me still wasn't comfortable in there, but we looked at car seats mostly with a quick tour of the rest of the store. we'll have to have the car seat to bring him home. the rest can come later. we have a beautiful crib that we are borrowing from bill's friend hal. we used a famous barr gift cert. to buy him his coming home outfit and a few other little things.


Anonymous said...

You are so right the rest can come the 5th baby, I figured as long as we had diapers and a car seat we were covered. O.k. maybe an outfit or two but as long as the kiddo gets home safe, that's all that ever mattered to me. :)Don't know if the IF vet feeling will ever go away but maybe just become part of you as much as it already is. It just may become a new skin you wear. Good luck and keep blogging!!!

BekkiBoo aka tubelessstl said...

A boy? WOOOHOOO. I keep saying this over and over. big grin!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. It's not a bad thing if the boys outnumber the girls. My family was 4 females to 2 males and look how I turned out.

Lynn said...

I am thrilled that I can be an Aunt.