Thursday, May 3, 2007

got this off of one of my infertility chat boards. except for you fellow IF vets out there (IF=infertility and vets is our term for those of us who have been there, done that, still no success), the rest of you would be amazed at the incredibly stupid things people say to infertiles.

So, what do you think people would say to you if you were paraplegicinstead of infertile...
As soon as you buy a wheelchair, I bet you'll be able to walk again!

You can't use your legs? Boy, I wish I was paralyzed. I get so tiredof walking, and if I were paralyzed I wouldn't have to walk anywhere!I could just sit around and relax all day long...

My cousin was paralyzed but she started shaving her legs in the otherdirection and she could walk again. You should try that.

I guess God just didn't mean for you to be able to walk.

Are you sure you want to be able to walk? It is SUCH hard work!

Oh, I know exactly how you feel, because I have an ingrown toenail.

Sorry, we don't cover treatment for paraplegia, because it's not alife-threatening illness.

So... when are *you* going to start walking?

Oh, I have just the opposite problem. I have to walk everywhere I go!

But don't you *want* to walk?

You're just trying too hard. Relax and you'll be able to walk.

You're so lucky... think of the money you save on shoes.

I don't know why you're being so selfish. You should at least be happythat *I* can walk.

I hope you don't try those anti-paralyzation drugs. They sometimesmake people run too fast and they get hurt.

Look at those people hiking... doesn't that make you want to hike?

Just relax, you'll be walking in no time.

Oh do my legs hurt, I was walking and walking and going up and downthe stairs all day.

I broke my leg skiing, and was on crutches for weeks, and was worriedI'd have a permanent limp, but I'm 100% healed.

I'd ask you to be in my wedding party but the wheelchair will look outof place at the altar.

You're being selfish, not coming on the hike with us, and looking atall of my track & field trophies.

Don't complain, you get all the good parking places.

If you just lose weight your legs will work again.

If you would just have more sex, you could walk!

You don't know how to walk? What's wrong with you? Here let a real manshow you how to walk!

You are just trying too hard to walk. Give up, and then you'll walk.

Here, touch my legs, then you'll walk!

Everyone in my family can walk. It must be in the water!

Just take a vacation, and the stress-break will be sure to get youwalking!

When _we_ were young we only had to worry about having to walk toomuch.

And I bet a parapalegic going to a bookstore doesn't find books aboutparalysis stacked next to all the books on running...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great perspective!! You always make me smile :)I am so excited to be up to date on this blog. It's a great idea.I think of you both often and can't wait to hear how things go.
