Tuesday, July 31, 2007

baptism pictures

liam was not overly excited about having to wear a dress (or a GOWN as everyone pointed out), but it was the same baptismal gown that i wore, my brother and cousin wore, my mom wore and several other irish kids in east st. louis wore. :)

this is liam with his godparents, paula and paul (trying to keep things easy for him.)

Friday, July 27, 2007

first day at aunt lynn's

tuesday was the first day that both bill and i were at work, so liam spent the day with aunt lynn. i don't think he suffered TOO terribly much, considering he was reportedly much happier tues. than wed. back at home with his dad. :)

liam LOVES being outside. if he is fussy, just going outside can cheer him up. he doesn't care if it's 95degrees with 95% humidity! he likes to stare at trees and the sky right now. maybe he wants to be a biologist like his uncle?

on wednesday he got to meet liffey and lincoln's best friends - the VETS office. we only got to visit for a minute, but i think liffey and lincoln were jealous of liam when we came home.

last night he helped his godmother paula unpack her parents' moving van. OK, actually, he didn't do his share of the work and slept through most of it, but we'll cut him some slack this time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

busy 2 days

yesterday was liam's baptism. he wasn't happy about wearing his gown, but his uncle wore it, i wore it and his grandma wore it. he had no choice. :) he expressed his boredom of the whole thing by yawning, repeatedly, through the entire ceremony.

today was his 8 week pediatrician appt. bill said that he did well but did NOT like the shots (liam, not bill.) he is 30%ile for height but 60%ile for weight (you should see his little pot belly!)

he has started sitting in his little bumbo seat, which a little help. he seems to enjoy it - he likes looking around. liffey likes it because he's an easier target to give kisses to. :)

our picture and testimonial are on the agency's website now! take a look!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

completely off topic

ok, just a little filler. another anonymous drive by story from a friend of mine....

we had the worst thing happen here last night. a guy came into our front hallway and pooped. how rude! he pooped on our mail! the strangest things happen in our neighborhood. we filed a police report for a poop and run but i doubt they will ever find the guy. only in our hood.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

the incredible talking baby

so the last 2 nights liam slept from 10:30 til 6:30 because he loves his mom so much. last night he was up at 4 (which is more like him), but when he went back to sleep, he felt the need to "talk" in his sleep for the next 2 hrs til i got up (at least.) grunt, squeal, grunt, sigh, on and on and on. if i wasn't trying to sleep, it would have been really funny. :)

and liam's latest stunt was to figure out how to get his thumb in his mouth and his index finger up his nose. very gifted child.

we finally got liam's fire fighter fountain set up on the front porch. he wasn't overly impressed by it, but then again, he's not impressed by much, other than a bottle and a binky. and a dry diaper. don't forget that.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

tuesday afternoon ramblings

i have tried to add a blinkie from our adoption agency to the blog. i hope it works. we were having some "technical difficulties" earlier.

my brother said that if you click on the little pictures of liam, you can actually get full sized ones. who knew.

lots of people have commented on liam's quick adoption. when i was chatting with some other infertiles on one of the bulletin boards i'm on, i realized that the entire adoption process took less time than it took to get a 0 beta (which i technically never got - we just stopped at 5) after my miscarriage. a beta is the pregnancy blood test that measures the amount of pregnancy hormone in your system. it should have dropped after we saw no heartbeat. it went up (a tiny bit.) CERTAINLY should have dropped to 0 quickly after the d&c. took over 8 weeks. we got liam quicker! other infertiles will appreciate the irony in that.

Friday, July 6, 2007

more pictures....

by popular demand, more pictures of our little man. and yes, after 8 yrs of college i still can't figure out microsoft vista and all 3 pictures saved differently. don't ask.
the top picture was at his shower in illinois. the bib is from his fire fighter adoption lawyer (yes, he does both.) :)
the 2nd one was taken today of him sleeping in his swing that he is borrowing from his aunt lynn.
the 3rd one was taken last weekend in iowa at flyball. he is wearing his cardinals/pujols shirt that his uncle chris sent him from california. it was a little big, but he didn't mind.
and yes beth, we have to start them early in flyball, but i don't think anyone will beat sam's record of starting a dog at age 4. :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

liam's first camping trip

well, we all survived. we made the trip to and from amana, iowa with 2 dogs (1 drugged) and 1 baby. we all stayed in the camper with our friend paula and her 2 dogs. the weather was great (which is unusual for a flyball weekend.) liam didn't seem to mind camping at all. he got to hang out with the team's other junior handlers who love hanging out with him.

liam got 2 fire truck books and his first pair of wigwam socks in amana. it was a very big day for him, but he seemed rather unimpressed. :) liam also wore his cardinal's shirt from his uncle chris. i got a few pictures, so i will work on posting those. he was not very cooperative yesterday. ;)