Monday, July 23, 2007

busy 2 days

yesterday was liam's baptism. he wasn't happy about wearing his gown, but his uncle wore it, i wore it and his grandma wore it. he had no choice. :) he expressed his boredom of the whole thing by yawning, repeatedly, through the entire ceremony.

today was his 8 week pediatrician appt. bill said that he did well but did NOT like the shots (liam, not bill.) he is 30%ile for height but 60%ile for weight (you should see his little pot belly!)

he has started sitting in his little bumbo seat, which a little help. he seems to enjoy it - he likes looking around. liffey likes it because he's an easier target to give kisses to. :)

our picture and testimonial are on the agency's website now! take a look!


CareShare Network said...

Good luck to you in your new parenting journey.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

Your pictures are so cute. Liam is a beautiful boy! I have been getting all of the scoop from Rachel. Congratulations!!!!


BekkiBoo aka tubelessstl said...

great picture! I just linked AGOHA's blog to my site too.