Tuesday, July 10, 2007

tuesday afternoon ramblings

i have tried to add a blinkie from our adoption agency to the blog. i hope it works. we were having some "technical difficulties" earlier.

my brother said that if you click on the little pictures of liam, you can actually get full sized ones. who knew.

lots of people have commented on liam's quick adoption. when i was chatting with some other infertiles on one of the bulletin boards i'm on, i realized that the entire adoption process took less time than it took to get a 0 beta (which i technically never got - we just stopped at 5) after my miscarriage. a beta is the pregnancy blood test that measures the amount of pregnancy hormone in your system. it should have dropped after we saw no heartbeat. it went up (a tiny bit.) CERTAINLY should have dropped to 0 quickly after the d&c. took over 8 weeks. we got liam quicker! other infertiles will appreciate the irony in that.

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