Tuesday, July 17, 2007

the incredible talking baby

so the last 2 nights liam slept from 10:30 til 6:30 because he loves his mom so much. last night he was up at 4 (which is more like him), but when he went back to sleep, he felt the need to "talk" in his sleep for the next 2 hrs til i got up (at least.) grunt, squeal, grunt, sigh, on and on and on. if i wasn't trying to sleep, it would have been really funny. :)

and liam's latest stunt was to figure out how to get his thumb in his mouth and his index finger up his nose. very gifted child.

we finally got liam's fire fighter fountain set up on the front porch. he wasn't overly impressed by it, but then again, he's not impressed by much, other than a bottle and a binky. and a dry diaper. don't forget that.

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