Friday, February 29, 2008

9 mo. old and more fun sounds!

liam turned 9 mo. old on tuesday! we are going to the ped. this afternoon for his 9 mo. check up, which here, includes a blood lead level screening (not sure if it is done everywhere, but when you live in a place where the EPA will pay for your soil and water to be tested, it's a bit more necessary.)

liam has also discovered his high pitched voice! low, growly voice was long ago, but the new high pitched one is apparently very entertaining too. lots of sounds - /m, n, d, p, f, w, g/ to name a few.

we are off to liam's friends' birthday party tomorrow. the babies all start turning 1 yr old now. first lily and olivia, then landon, then liam, then julia and of course the brand new twins harper and jackson have about 11 1/2 mo. to go. :) liam will be excited to see all the girls! (and landon's first word is umbob - sponge bob. not mom. not dad. sponge bob.) :o)

1 comment:

sandis said...

Enjoy your time with the ladies Liam!