Thursday, November 8, 2007

could it be? maybe??

after much speculation over the last month+, it looks like liam may be getting his first tooth. it is still even with his gum line, but there is a white line there now. i could feel it last night while liam was eating his carrots (carrots are GOOD!) and thought i saw something. it was definitely more pronounced this morning. so we will see!

he is EXTREMELY good at blowing raspberries after our instructional session the other night. he is starting to experiment with intonations in his babbling, along with trying different places of articulation (making different sounds, for those of you not in speech and hearing sciences.) :)

will be checking the tooth progress this evening!!


Beth said...

Haha! He has to try to keep up with his friends. Kyleigh just popped two teeth last week.

BekkiBoo aka tubelessstl said...

oh my gosh, teeth? all that yummy food is making him groW up so faST