Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a picture from september...

18 mo. old today!

so many talents. he seems to learn new words every day, repeating (or at least trying to repeat) just about anything we say to him. he says please and thank you. he loves to look at his books. he loves to ride his bike and can even peddle just a few inches!

had an interesting conversation at work. a patient's mom asked about liam's adoption (after the - i don't remember you being pregnant when we were here last time - comment.) i hope she thinks more positively about open domestic adoption now. and although it came off not so great, her final comment was - i think it's great that you can love a baby that isn't genetically yours. i told her that i thought it was great that people can love their children so much that they give them to people who can't get pregnant. (her point was that too many people have kids who shouldn't. tell me about it.)

anyway, we have lots of fun things planned over the next few weeks, including a party with liam's friends from my old infertility support group. i hear the girls are starting to catch up to the boys in the hair department!

i tried to add a picture, but i don't think it worked.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

17 mo. update

i believe liam has finally put together a true 2 word phrase. contrary to what all my textbooks say, it was not mommy sock, but, WAIT FOR IT, liffey flyball. yep. liffey trumps me again. oh well. he had fun that weekend because his friend from one of the area teams gave him double stuff oreos all day sunday!

and a huge milestone for liam is that he actually peed in his potty! he did it sunday night, maybe by accident, but tuesday night was definitely on purpose. he jumped out of his bathtub to run to his potty. he likes to fart on his potty too. :)

i got to visit with our adoption social worker today. i heard bits and pieces about babies that have been placed and families that have grown. she also got to hear about how no one at my work likes liam. hahaha.

Monday, November 3, 2008

2nd halloween

liam was a giraffe for halloween. since he didn't care about trick or treating last year, we didn't go. this year we went back to the neighborhood where i grew up and liam had fun walking all over the neighborhood and seeing all the other kids. he said thank you at every house except 1, where he just said bye bye.

new words are popping up every day. yesterday he repeated OH MY after i saw the condition of his high chair after he ate dinner. :) he will sometimes say bless you after someone sneezes.

on sat. night we joined his godmother for her birthday celebration. liam had a fun time hanging out with all his "aunts and uncles." we all had a good laugh over the story of "are you going to tell him he's adopted?"