Monday, September 29, 2008

trying again for a picture....

top picture is liam with his finger up his nose, which he finds quite funny. bottom picture is at steak n shake, with another new skill!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

another busy weekend

friday night, liam got to go to his 2nd balloon glow. he met us with his friends, aunt, uncle and cousins and had a good time. he saw fireworks for the first time. he spent most of his evening, however, pointing at the medical helicopters flying overhead.

on saturday, he went apple picking. he was rather unimpressed with it all, but he liked eating apples - but only his grandma's apple. he had fun playing with his cousins again.

on sunday, he helped paint his flyball friends' house (he helped by NOT helping.)

and today, he had that 10% reaction to the measles shot - looking like he's covered in measles. that's MY kid alright. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

new things every day

this week, liam moved his dad's kitchen chair and climbed up in it so that he could look out the bay window in the dining room. he said "right now" for the first time. he climbed into the bathtub, all by himself, fully clothed. he says moo and baaa. today, for the first time, he said MOO when someone asked him what a cow says. he figured out how to buckle his high chair buckle.

his parents as teachers lady told him that he was ahead in both motor and language skills (he's a genious!) he went to the pediatrician the next day and has jumped back up to the 50%ile for ht (31 inches) but even with a wet diaper is not quite 22 lbs and is down to 10%ile for wt. that explains why his pants won't stay up! the dr. said that "that sometimes happen when they become more active and burn more calories." uh, liam, active? noooooo. (can you hear the sarcasm??

and tammy - he DOES try to stick his finger up my nose too. :) the dr's i work with think he might have a future as an ENT!

oh, and liam had a close up on the jumbotron at the NFL game on sunday afternoon! he's famous.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

world traveller!

ok, covering a few states traveller, but still, it's been busy here!

we took our first family vacation over my birthday 2 weeks ago. everyone went, including liffey and lincoln. we took the camper and just had a relaxing time - shopping, swimming, reading, fishing (well, liam and his dad did that) and going for walks.

we came home for 4 days then left again for a flyball tournament. we had a great time with our friends, at a fun tournament with fabulous weather. liam wore his new team shirts and really likes to watch flyball.

he has also learned to sign help and yummy (which he started tonight.) he loves to "talk" about flyball. he practiced saying all sorts of things this weekend. however, his favorite new activity is sticking his finger up his nose.