Friday, March 28, 2008

10 mo. old!

sorry for no new updates recently. it's been a busy month. the 5th was lap #3 for me. the 6th was bill's birthday and the 2 yr anniversary of our miscarriage. throw in the st. patricks day parade and a host of work issues, and that's my month.

but liam is a little monster now. he is crawling faster than most people walk. he was unimpressed by the easter egg hunt at our former college. he loved the toy shovel from aunt lynn better.

he has figured out how to feed liffey. this pleases both of them greatly. i expect liffey to weight about 200 lbs in a few months. :)

he can also climb the entire flight of stairs by himself (with his mom or dad hovering behind him.)

and we believe we have heard liam's first word. he said it tues. night twice and wed. night once. all 3 times he was looking at liffey and said ee ee. we have one incidence of it recorded, so i need to watch it again to see if i really heard it.

hope you enjoy the latest picture! it was from our evening out with friends and family for bill's birthday. yes - he went to another brewery. :)