Saturday, June 23, 2007

it's about time....

i know, i know. i finally figured it out (i think.) or not. i did the exact same thing with both pictures and ended up with 2 different sizes. i'll try to fix it.

these were taken a few weeks ago. i need a few more recent close ups.

i'm trying to type and hold a tired baby at the same time. more later.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

almost 4 weeks old

sorry it's been so long since i've gotten an update up. this dial up connection at home gives me ulcers. :)

liam is doing well - his favorite activities are eating and sleeping (we just need to convince him to sleep when WE say he should. ) :)

he survived his first flyball tournament with flying colors - sleeping through the barking dogs and meeting LOTS of new aunts and uncles. :)

we've had a shower at the firehouse and a shower at aunt lynn's house. we also went to liam's friend landon's shower. landon was adopted through the same agency as liam (that's how we found our agency was from our friend richelle.) landon is only 3 mo. older than liam, so he already has a good friend.

we have another shower that my parents are giving this coming sunday. his baptism is scheduled for july 22nd. if anyone would like to attend, please give us a call!

i will work on resizing some pictures soon! (have i mentioned how much i hate microsoft vista?)

Monday, June 4, 2007


well, liam progressed well in the NICU and all his test results came back fine (including his hearing screening.) :) tues. night we were allowed to stay in a regular hospital room with him and be his primary caregivers - but the nurses were right across the hall if we needed anything.

wed. morning we had our court hearing - all went well. his birthparents went first and bill and i sat outside with their boys and then we went in and testified. we had to do the whole - raise your right hand and sit on the witness stand, which i wasn't expecting. later that morning he was circumsized and after that was all done and followed up, we went home!!

liam has had a constand stream of visitors and has behaved himself quite well. he got a beautiful cradle made by his grandpa ken. 2 of his great grandma's have come to visit and the other called today to check on him. he had his first flyball practice yesterday and did just fine - sleeping like all good flyball players do. :)

liffey and lincoln LOVE liam. i was worried about lincoln, since he is so sensitive, but both dogs can't give him enough kisses and both have tried to climb into carseats, cribs, bouncers, etc. :)

liam had his first ped. appt. on friday and did well - no major problems and he's 50%ile or so for just about everything!

thank you to everyone for all the well wishes, especially all my IVFC friends, my pity party friends and my friends here in st. louis for all the support, help and gifts (hadley - lincoln is trying to find your cats in the box of clothes from gavin and george!) :)